Hi Ajes2,
Your right, the time is dragging!
I held through the debacle of late 2015 when we went into suspension whilst drilling Juma, who would have thought we would be here almost two years later in suspension whilst drilling again! I guess lightening can strike twice.
And of course we have to be in one of those pesky months with 31 days which means it could drag out a day or two longer than say a mid to late Feb timeline
I don't know how much influence we will have on the release date of the anticipated announcement. Will it have to be approved by the ASX prior to publication? Will they ask for re-wording or god forbid more info again? Lets hope not.
I really don't care when it's released, morning, noon or night, whatever. Just make sure its clear and concise and allows us to get back trading again.
I asked Jeff if BBX will continue to update the market whilst suspended of anything material of which his reply was yes. So we could get an announcement for any of the following prior to bulk sample assays or RC drilling results.
1. Pilot plant update/completion
2. Further hydro or pyro metallurgical results from previous bulk samples and rock chips
3. Permit for diamond drilling approval or that the diamond drill is now on site
4. Completion of RC drilling
5. Update to Juma/Guida tenement/lease status and or future exploration plans
6. Acquisition of additional leases adjacent or in the surrounds of Tres or Ema
Or the big two were waiting for.
7. Assay results for the requested smaller bulk samples
8. RC drilling assay results.
Failing all the above maybe they could just buy up some land in the Pilbarra and say we have a crap load of conglomerate hosted gold source rock etc. blah blah. Who cares right as long as it goes up
My bets are on an announcement early next week, but crossing my fingers for earlier.