OK.. after hours of searching I think I have found it !!
It is very worth checking out.
The Investor Presentation page 17 refers to "Untested off hole DHEM conductors" in top LH box.
Proposed Hole two is in nearly the same cross-section as this one which shows holes RHDD004,5,6 at Talc Lake.
This off-hole conductor is labelled as Target (#1) Surface.
Being pretty dumb I missed this point originally thinking that this target was just a wild guess... but No!! It is actually a strong DHEM ping.
So that is what they are going for, with now Dr. Hill at least in some degree of agreement with the Team's revised Talc Lake modelling..
Then if you go to page 18 you will see the two conductors in green that the first and second holes are targeting.
Re-opening of ORTL9 may be a lucky and much cheaper way of getting down through the useless transported cover, then proceeding to Diamond drill for the serious part..
Now, if by any stroke of luck these basal contacts are the normal Kambalda style deposits and they run the length of that basal embayment.. continuously or in pods... then... well.... and the entire Roe Hills has similar structures sprinkled throughout....
Now the muddy waters become clearer. I hope I am right, but I think I am.
So if you want the story on the first two holes, go the Investor Presentation and contemplate the sections and especially the very nice hype that goes with them.
Consider all the implications if what they say is there, is there!!
Holy Moley! .. and I was beginning to think that the second hole was anothor go at the Plunging Plate Anomaly.... haha.. no way. Mind you, the Plunging Plate may still tie in at some point with this if it turns out to be a true discovery.
They must be pretty certain about this model. How about that!?
Cheers, PP