Shouldn't share holders be allowed to view the loan contract?
How can we find out what date the directors voted? As that could mean if they voted after the expiry date R.T should have been out. fair is fair.
Would love to know what are the terms and conditions of the loans.
Many lenders out there that can easily provide them with a personal loan to repay this loan.
Especially PB with the high wage his on.
If the directors pay out the loan and BUY the shares it will show there true colours, character and how much they truly do believe in TNG.
If it is not in the loan contract already TNG should be allowed to start charging a higher interest rate on the loans everyday after the loan repayment due date expired. if not coy probs could take out legal action against them, thats how usually a loan works?
If they are careless and sell on market then so be it
1. It is not a good look for them.
2. It will also be a gift for long term holders to grab extremely cheap seats and average down many will soak them up 2019 is the year its all happening.
Very interesting, amazing why the directors did NOT mention anything about the loans at the AGM since and IF they were past the due date and expired. UNLESS they all have been paid back in full? who knows... all IMO