“The distribution in cash to NXE shareholders of at least 60% of the sale proceeds net of transaction costs isconsidered, in all the circumstances, to be a significant benefit for all shareholders as well as for NXEitself. Shareholders will retain their existing shares in NXE and will therefore retain a stake in the Companygoing forward. Assuming 60% of the net sale proceeds are distributed to NXE Shareholders, then NXE willreceive after closing 40% of the net sale proceeds (around AUS$2.6 million to AUS$ 2.7 million), tosupplement NXE’s cash resources which will be further supplemented by receipt of the gross amount ofAUS$2.8 million upon closing of the sale of the ruby assets to Fura Gems Inc. NXE’s total cash resources willof course depend upon the outcome of the dispute with Arena Investors of which the outcome (as yet notknown) could increase (or reduce) these cash resources.
Agree with the calculations of 0.026. However, the underlined stuck out to me when I 1st read the Ann. and I had to go back to double check. They still do. Too much wiggle room. Now throw in the Arena outcome. Maybe it's worth throwing a few unwanted/needed $ in.
I'm more interested in how much would present SH's be willing to part with the listing on the ASX and sell the listing? I'll come back to why I ask another time, when I have a little more time to put it together.