Exactly. It´s nice to sit on 4CE, I bought and I am buying it again in the right time. As you see my sentiment below I am not saying VEC was a bad company. It´s just asking the questions about when to buy and when to sell. This is now sell time and will remain so for longer. All IMO of course.
I also think JB did a nice job here. He pushed the company towards production. And despite the bad voices I think this guy will remain in the memories of many shareholders as a true legend. It´s just, his phase is over here and now it´s a new chapter begins. Now an other management has to prove again. VEC is one step further toward production, but this does not ensure that production will ever happen here. Small company, bad area, many challanges. Many companies lose SP while getting nearer to production. Reason behind? - May be because many of them never get into production?