6.6g/t headgrade
90% recoveries.
You have 1,000,000 x 6.6/31.1 x 90% = 190kozpa
Now let's assume:
AISC at $1,200 (bad)
AISC at $1,000 (ok)
AISC at $800 (good)
Sale price = $1,300
= Revenue of $19m, $57m and $95m respectively or A$27m, $82m, $136m using fx of 70c
Then take tax etc out of that aswell.
It's why we have been saying for ages size of the resource is only a piece of the puzzle. If AISC is $1,200 project is marginal right now, like really marginal. If AISC is $800 it's a cash machine.
It's the key piece of the puzzle for me.