Happy New Year.....everybody. The situation is as suspected one of continued excellent assays.....and I would think the drilling plan / schedual
is as close to the preconceved idea, of best results from minimum expenditure. MOD would be well aware of costs....and iff funding is required,
then a raise for the amount required would be done bearing in mind the requirement to minimise dilution. With this in mind....concider the fact
that for various reasons MOD gained 100% of T3.....not only to facilitate funding for an appropiate sized mining instalation.....but also to allow a
cleaner out right purchase of existing assets.....or a major JV. MTR benifiting greatly too ? I wonder if the timing was not just a concideration
of the forementioned, but also the coinsiding of the end of present drilling operations and the issuence of the licence to begin construction.
I trust MOD [ so far not a foot wrong ] and what I think is lacking......is not outright ramping or fantasy ? but plain old fashioned PATIENCE......
and concider the present SP a very good opportunity to buy in on what could well be a £2 share end 2020 [ UK ]. If you have not done your
studies into MOD / Sprott / Botswana switch from diamonds to Copper......or indeed the demand for the mineral by the Chinese let alone the rest
of the world.......Then I suggest you sell up, stick to a savings account. Good luck.....from UK.