Yes, you should do some research. Hard to believe you've followed avx all the way up and all the way down and only now hear about the coal investment from a throwaway line in a hc post. Fyi, after failing to secure partnering, the choice was to slowly see the money avx had left dwindle away to nothing on salaries and maintenance of patents, or try to use the funds to raise the funding required for phase three trials. They've gone for a coal investment via a key Investor in the company. They are not proposing to become coal miners. They are investing in a coal mine with the objective of raising money and then getting out. Chances of success probably about 20% (my guess) given price of coal, which is not great, but it's probably about 20% better than the chance of success if they had they just sat around doing nothing at all, so I'm happy for them to be giving it a shot.