My Biggest Question here is,
(Curtesy of AICp)
Substantial holders & not creditors/SCSN
64.5 - Lord Abbett (DOCA)
77.5 - BCEE
87 - Wellington
40 - Lonestar Partner
268 - Total Million. Shares . Wow and We really think they dont care if these shares go busted. Thats BS.
268 million shares. Are they in conspiracy with the Connotes Holders?//
Surely if these Holders get something then so do we. I remember Tomboy said they , Non Connotes
Holders , they too will be rewarded handsomely. They didnt go to the June 2015 Creditors meeting,
not even Bradesco therefore it was a done deal whatever they agreed that this go C & M and relist
in the future and everybody is happy perhaps not us Retail holders not included.
Why is it , not even one of them BCEE,Wellington,Lonestar Partners,Lord Abbett in protest.
They musdt be on it.