I already know, however as its a fact that it's been raised at .031 I wouldn't call it baseless would you?
It's also interesting that you classify my post as downramping as it's pointing out facts and not opinion. Add to that the fact that i hold NRR.....but anyway I get it that it's not a piece of information you want to read about, but I thought others might.
Here is the resolution in full FYI:
4. Resolution 5 - Approval of Director's Participation in Capital Raising
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass with or without amendment, as an ordinary resolution the following:
"That, subject to each of the Acquisition Resolutions being passed, for the purposes of Listing Rule 10.11 and for all other purposes, Shareholders approve and authorise Mr Nathan Buzza (or his nominee) to participate in the Capital Raising to the extent of up to 6,451,612 Shares each at an issue price of $0.031 on the terms and conditions detailed in the Explanatory Memorandum.