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Originally posted by vcr999:
Hi scottm with you and myself not attending the AGM will anyone turn up to get the truth for shareholders.My prediction is this, 'fruitful discussions are continuing with major parties but it is all confidential'. secondly 'the quarry binding agreement deal is getting close but no time frame will be given'.Thirdly Russell will blame the drop in the Tungsten price for nothing getting done. fourthly reports on Gold and Lithium they will show the old reports.After the AGM they will do the standard 10% Capital raising which may be at around 1 cent this time around. I hope one of you posters attend the AGM as any answer to share holders questions are not reported,making management not accountable. CHEERS
Hi everyone - recommend you give Russell a call if you have any questions and certainly don't rely on HC as certain posters have been posting disinformation.