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Originally posted by False9
Mike has nothing to bring to the table. He is exhausted as are his contacts as are all the brokers when they hear APG ....Turbott!
This is how I see the future of APG unfolding:
Turbott removed with an interim CEO put in place. I would expect the new person to:
a) appoint a new independent director
b) review current working management and consider splitting the role of financial controller/co Sec into two separate INDEPENDENT roles.
c) Review corporate governance and restructure the audit committee and remuneration committee with persons non self serving and independent.
d) review the technology, current negotiations, past negotiations to determine the true commercial worth and potential of the technology.
e) While (a) to (d) is underway progress current discussions and negotiations.
Once corporate governance is reviewed, management changes and internal restructure has been completed undertake a roadshow seeking broker support.
Secondary plan in the event of not being able to secure viable contracts and adequately sustain cash flow:
APG has:
1) no debt
2) massive tax losses which are valuable and most importantly
3) An ASX license to be listed on the ASX.
The above gives rise to many opportunities for companies seeking a back door listing on the ASX.
As an example the assets of APG could be liquidated for say $6.0m
With a clean company I can gaurentee once the word is out and with the right people within a month you would have over 50 business wanting to roll their business into the APG shell.
These business could be and probably will be companies who are:
1) just finishing their FS or who are about to go into production,
2) Those who have very attractive leases/property
Technology -
Those with new products/ideas, software, hardware, medical -
In particular component manufacturers for electric cars or Automated technology.
Terms agreed with other company, new people to board, supporting broker involved, assets rolled into APG, capital raised
for expansion/development with the end result being a new look company with strong assets, a strong board/leadership team, strong corporate governance all resulting in a company that will have sustained growth in business and a share price to match.!
Easy fix - 2 yr project!
Gee Wiz False. You report to be an accountant yet in your Plan B you said they have no Debt but on June 30 current liabilities were more than a million dollars to start with !!!!
To use the Tax loss, how is the new company going to satisfy the COT or SBT provisions????
As for the shell be worth 6 million. Care to share how you worked that out.