I only post the facts...Reason number 1.....He's not Hillary. TRUE SO WHAT? ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Perhaps that is the real point, people liked or trusted Hillary less than Trump.
Number 2........He is way less corrupt than HillaryTHAT REMAINS TO BE SEEN FROM THE MANY CURRENT INVESTIGATIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Given credibility factor of the dems+msm, I wouldn't be expecting too much.
Number 3.......He had at time of the election far less blood on his hands than HillaryTRUMP SUPPORTS DICTATORS LIKE PUTIN AND SAUDI RULERS WHO MURDERED KHASHOGGI ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// How is Putin a dictator? They do have elections in Russia, you know? As for the Sauds, all US presidents are tight with them.Remember, the Sauds are essential for the petrodollar system so no one is going to go hard on them. Those in real power do not care about other leaders killing people etc all that talk is just to persuade the punters who to hate and to go along with govcorps plans.
Number 4......If Hillary had won we may have had WW3 by now with her stated desire to 'confront' Russia.RUBBISH... ANY PROOF FOR THAT STATEMENT? ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// For a start https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/25/hillary-clinton-syria-no-fly-zones-russia-us-war This is all a chess game and one cannot allow oneself to be bullied off the board forever.
Number 5.... It is just so much fun to watch the SJW's, celebrity scum and other hypocritical .virtue signalling pieces of filth emote WELL I WATCH FOX NEWS FOR LAUGHS ESPECIALLY HANNITY. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I don't own a TV myself, but I do sometimes see Tucker Carlson clips and quite like him.
Number 6 .....Who actually believes polls anyway....they all said that Hillary would win.WELL MAYBE SHE WOULD HAVE WON IF NOT FOR RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE. ANYWAY IT IS A FACT MOST PEOPLE THINK TRUMP IS BAD FOR AMERICA AND THE NUMBER ONE WORST PRESIDENT. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// How do you know that as a 'fact'? Have you asked every American?Of course you haven't, so this is just another made up 'fact'.