So you can't be serious and should not be taken seriously. I...

  1. 7,932 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    So you can't be serious and should not be taken seriously. I think you are a youngster with a lot of time on your hands so maybe not working and possibly on centrelink benefits.

    As for me I'm a decorated US military veteran who did six years total service including in conflict areas. After that started a business and worked hard to become a self made multi-millionaire. I was a republican supporter until Trump who has mostly benefited those with wealth like himself at the expense of the poor and middle class. I retired at 55 at one time owning six houses simultaneously and now enjoy cruising and traveling around the world. I start another overseas cruise and holiday tomorrow.
    Last edited by jimk3758: 27/03/19
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