Asteroider, show me some proof of all this BS. As far as I know...

  1. 16,815 Posts.
    Asteroider, show me some proof of all this BS.
    As far as I know China has not taken any Australian territory.
    I dont know what news sights you have been reading but SHOW ME SOME PROOF.

    Australia has three separate Antarctic stations and one Sub Antarctic station.
    Which part of this have the Chinese stolen???

    Being allowed to stay in Antarctica has nothing to do with population. The only reason any country is allowed to stay in Antarctica is because they carry out scientific research and no other reason.

    Here is an excerpt from your post
    "Their demand is based on the size of their population and hence a right to the resources there.. ie set up a big fishing drag net and catch everything in the current as it goes around the pole."

    So where is the South Pole Asteroider???
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