Abdominal obesity and your health, page-35

  1. 8,434 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    "There are apparently different forms of the milk proteins, for example in the B type milk on sale these days"

    Ben I guess the milk that you are referring to is the A2 milk. the majority of the milk sold these days is the A1 protein, there is a difference at position 27(or 127) of the DNA chain.
    All milk had the A2 protein and mothers milk, sheep, goat and jersey cow's milk are all A2 protein but somewhere in the breeding of the Friesian cows for high production the milk became A1.
    In the 80s an ABC Landline show did an item from NZ where they were researching the A2 protein, then later on I found that the RPA low allergy diet recommended A2 milk.
    When my daughter had her first baby he developed eczema and she was not happy having to rub cortisone creams on her young baby. I suggested she try switching to A2 milk(she was breastfeeding) and within a week the rashes were gone never to return.
    She is medically trained and this was the only change that she made.
    Five years later he is going to school but is scratching all the time and has some behavioural issues at times, i noticed that if he ate a muffin his face would go white and his behaviour would change, my wife and I suggested she put him on a gluten free diet and now the itching is gone and he is a really nice little boy who is doing really well at school.
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