Yep el spoto ono there mate You get NBD highest medal no you get both.
what sort of TOTAL and UTTER drongos
allows one of the highest water sucking crops in a time of the worst dry since 1966 when we used to put 3 bricks into the cistern... just to keep other alive,, Remember that Hmmmm 1966 or was it 67,,,?
ratsbottoms,demeted weasles,,toe rags,pee ( not pea ) soup for brains... ... Arrrgggggg and the loss of out only mega native fish, that have fought since being inchy weeny small fry since the time when 50 years befor the fist Model T rolled off the line..., , and they say:
Yeah ,,she'll be right mate, We are smart ministers who run the Dept of Depts and we read all the reports real deep, : Well NBD says , Wadds Cobble to the lot of ya, most of you dont read past the cover of reports, as you in such ahurry to the next port barrel Kegger... , We need some leaders with Tungstan Clangers to take the helm of a ship in that is sailing into a storm!!!!!!!!!!
Stop it NoBoDe,,, Stop Now,,, , It is not your time yet to step into the Pill_Lilly_Livered_Plitical_For_Humm-Humm-Humm and rip half of them the new vent ducts... , Here Endeth the lesson for to day, Need a nice Rum and a Valium or 5 G-Night NBD