Hey fellas. Sorry for the late reply....I am looking for new job see. I am thinking of teaching "history", but that depends on how well this venture pans out for me. If I can walk away with enough dough, I wont need to teach ;)
I decided to improve those other images a bit more and hopefully give a better idea of whats happening here. I have taken out most of the other players for clarity, leaving GPN, AGU, Midwest of course, and now alchemy. The red blotches in the corners in the ALY tenements are their recent test areas.
This image shows the magnetic intensity. White is hottest, red is hot, blue is not. The hotter it is the more magnetic it is. It's no coincidence that the ranges appear as white to red. Comparing this to my other images you can clearly see it coincides with know BIF (banded iron formation) geology. What is also interesting is the magnetic response that extends from the Mount Fraser syncline into the Robinson Range syncline but is not part of the range. Could this suggest that it continues underground....probably so. Which is good for MEI by the way. You can also see a magnetic response on the GPN tenements that doesnt coincide with a known BIF formation but is some sort of range. The range and magnetic response to the left of screen is Mount Padbury. Check it.
If you do your research, then there are decades old historical results showing that GPN very likely has 3 million plus tonnes of hematite (that white hot bit on the top of the curve above MIS' tenement) already. That is based on surface sampling, not drilling, and assumed to only 50 foot deep. How deep does it go? Id say there is more than that there.
Here is another image for fun. A couple of hunderd kilometer radius of the Murchison area showing the magnetic response coinciding with well known Iron Ore projects Jack Hills and Weld Range and their position in relation to GPN/YRR projects @ Robinson Range and Gabanintha. Take a look at that familiar "white to red" magnetic response that they seem to have in common.
greater pacific gold limited