TIS 0.00% 0.0¢ tissue therapies limited

Rev Puzzled have you been in contact with anyone in the company...

  1. 5,445 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 160
    Rev Puzzled have you been in contact with anyone in the company who is currently in Europe? Has anyone? Anyone spoken with Mercer?

    I have no idea why TIS haven't told holders the specific area that is being questioned as it is key in shareholders determining possible time to get extra data.? We are not in possession of enough information and TIS must have been told what the data required is specific to otherwise they just turn up to the next scientific meeting and do it off the cuff? This is nonsensical where a decision is not made ( as committee is told they need more data on xxxx?) and we physically attend just to be told that and on the spot decide to proceed, withdraw or spin the wheel and probably get a negative?

    Was it suggested we speak with science committee or did we request direct access as it is not normal process to get direct access as far as I can see as they are usually at arms length for good reason?

    Now we wait until a scheduled meeting can be made whilst twiddling our thumbs playing a guessing game and how long is a piece of string to attend a meeting and be told the exact problem? Then we have no idea if when we lodge data that the scientific approval is binding when they go back to the committee?

    TIS really need to release a little more information and set out a flow diagram for dummies like myself to understand the process and set out any time restrictions/ deadlines in that flow diagram along with specifying if what has already been agreed is now back on the table of has it been locked in .
    Is this the last possible data that can be asked for and TIS please be honest with shareholders and tell us if it had been asked for before ?

    TIS in the wilderness thumb twiddling for months again before even knowing what is required - unbelievable? They must have got a copy of the specific data that was required and reasoning as I can't believe you just show up and get told more is required ?

    The process is unclear , communication poor and company announcements are pathetic and BSI in the middle is not a excuse.. I wonder if BSI turn up to the science meeting just to keep approval by chinese whispers style going on?

    Thanks goes to others who have put in time and put up links over the last 3 years helping me understand some of the process
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