BOS 0.00% 1.5¢ biosignal limited

how have they raised US$2.6M?? where does it say that?? CBI take...

  1. 293 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10

    how have they raised US$2.6M?? where does it say that?? CBI take an undisclosed number of Biosignal shares (at A3c per share) and Biosignal in turn will receive an undisclosed amount of CBI shares at $US1... how does that raise US$2.6M?? is there something you know that the market doesn't jreckard?

    "maintained upside exposure for shareholders through the equity interest in the CRO"... hahaha upside exposure!!! CBI are hardly a profit making company and their share price is well below $1.00 which is the minimum price to stay listed on NASDAQ... once CBI are kicked out of NASDAQ where is the upside for BOS shareholders???
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