CCE 2.56% 4.0¢ carnegie clean energy limited

"Stand-alone power systems are hybrid systems which utilise...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 108
    "Stand-alone power systems are hybrid systems which utilise renewable energy, batteries, inverters and back-up diesel generators to produce and store electricity, without physically being connected to the existing network. Improving efficiency and reliability for customers."

    My take on this call for registration of interest by WP, is that they intend to put the SPS in locations that are not currently served by the grid. What they will be replacing, will be generation for farms, roadhouses, small enterprises that are currently reliant on diesel generation (reliable but expensive).

    They are in effect expanding their network to the whole of the state.

    As the WP network is currently restricted to the southern part of WA, this would give them the opportunity to raise revenue state wide from a new customer base.

    The question is, can Western Power do solar energy and storage cheaper and more efficiently than could private consumers installing there own?

    The requirement by WP to have a remote monitoring, maintenance and a breakdown service would be very attractive to consumers, especially if it was cheaper than what they are currently paying for diesel generation.

    Consider what would happen if a cyclone caused serious damage to a privately owned SPS in a remote part of the state?

    Would an individual be able to afford the loss of power and cost of repairs to get the system operating in an acceptable timeframe?

    Or would they rather have WP, deal with it?

    I would think many consumers would prefer to pass that responsibility onto a utility who charges them for power in much the same way as consumers do on the grid.

    As the SPS includes diesel generation for backup, the consumers have the comfort of reliability, with a much reduced bill for fuel.
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