$300 billion to be invested in electric cars., page-69

  1. 2,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 131
    Thats hardly an ICE problem --"There’s too many bloody cars on the roads with only 1 person in them and spewing out pollution".
    Nothing to do with resisting change. I just don't like taking a backward step or being TOLD by the greenie brigade that electric cars will save the planet & that I have to stump up (via tax to cover government "incentives" schemes that are not sound.).

    Charge time has to be improved 10 fold with the current batteries (but its the best tech we have).

    Your point re public transport whilst valid again does not solely apply to ICE alone. You will still have the congestion/ parking issues

    Having been to counties that move masses to people efficiently, yet takes 2 hours plus to go across a dozen suburbs in Brisbane (for example) is a TOTALLY different arguement that will not be solved by going to electric cars (ie if you want people on public transport - as per kg of meat to move is cheaper per kW when in a bus or train)

    Re the 600w comment - you need to read the previous posters point as he was paying out on your calculations that indicated that the electric car only uses 600w per hour (FWIW my stereo uses a lot more -- the twin subs us 1400w each - granted they are not at full tilt most of the time ......Which you by the way confirmed in the size of the battery pack.
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