$300 billion to be invested in electric cars., page-47

  1. 2,819 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 434
    I'm not a scientist or a mathematician so am unable to provide you the answer.

    However from the link I posted it suggests that levels of human toxicity (a form of pollution) will increase under the EV revolution.

    What seems clear is that, this whole issue is not clear.

    "Look at the [Green Vehicle Guide] website. A Tesla has a (sic) carbon dioxide emissions when charged the average of the Australian grid — that's higher in Victoria, that's higher in Sydney — of close to 200 grams per kilometre travelled. A Toyota Corolla on the same government website shows only 171 grams of CO2. So, the Toyota Corolla is significantly less than the Tesla and that doesn't include the manufacturing emissions."

    I know that's cherry picking info but........ that's the argument, if it was clear cut there wouldn't be and cherry picking.

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