@gassed ...I note the warm and sincere welcome you received from our friendly neighbour - robbo
I also note the Mod's comments
LNY have a few strings to their bow (other than NZ):
I find this article explains it best:
The revenue split will apply above a 4g/t head grade.
So essentially, 4g/t is opex and capex,
Opex/Capex: 200,000 tonnes @ 4 g/t = 28,219oz @ AUD1685/oz = $47,549,015
Assumption: POG currently AUD1685/oz
Capex + OPEX + Revenue: 200,000 tonnes @ 9.8 g/t (recovered) = 69,136oz @ AUD1685/oz = $116,494,160
Therefore - Total revenue (split between LNY and EOPL) = $68,945,145
Etheridge (EOPL) revenue split
- 80,000t @ 5.8g/t (9.8 - 4) = 16,367oz – 300oz = 16,067oz x 40% = 6,426oz + 300oz = 6,726oz @ AUD1685/oz = $11,333,310
- 120,000t @ 5.8g/t = 24,550oz x 30% = 7,365oz @ AUD1685/oz = $12,410,025
EOPL total $23,743,335
LNY revenue split
- 80,000t @ 5.8g/t (9.8 - 4) = 16,367oz – 300oz = 16,067oz x 60% = 9,640 oz @ AUD1685/oz = $16,243,400
- 120,000t @ 5.8g/t = 24,550 oz x 70% = 17,186oz @ AUD1685/oz = $28,958,410
LNY total $45,201,810
Mill grinding capacity
= 200,000tpa (soon to be 550k tpa - see
Points to consider:
- 3rd party processing options - the Georgetown Mill is currently being taken off Care and Maintenance - minor upgrades and repairs are being competed with a plan to recommission it in the coming months.
- Mine planning is complete
- Etheridge has further advised Laneway that, in addition to bringing the Georgetown Plant back into production at its full 200,000 tpa capacity, it has acquired a further 350,000 tpa milling capacity through its purchase of the Collingwood hard rock tin plant near Cooktown. The Collingwood circuit includes a modern 1992 Marcy ball mill, which combined with the existing Georgetown milling capacity provides the potential to boost mid-term gold production from Agate Creek by significantly lowering the cut-off grade for ore that could be economically processed through the plant. (17 Feb 2016)
*******Terms for a gold and silver refining and sales agreement for up to 100,000 ozs of gold production have been agreed with Australia’s second biggest precious metals refiner, Focus Metals. (17 Feb 2016).
I expect we'll see robbo across here shortly