Standup writes When & if MNF need to adjust there offering or partner with a company to atune themselves to a changing market they will, seems simple enough.
Do you realy think the 3G operators or Wimax are going to let another company (MNF) in those guy's will have there own VOiP you have your head in the sand standup. So where will MNF growth come from standup, Fiber NBN may start as early as April. You keep going on and on about MNF financial and profits. I see it this way the three companys ENG,FRE and MNF are much and much in customers, price and cost. The diffren's is FRE is reinvesting in Wifi and ENG in Wimax for future growth where as MNF is not reinvesting.
standup writes And besides, with billions of dollars to be spent to deploy market-wide enconomical wireless systems for the masses things is unlikely to change around these parts real soon.
It has started just look at the 3G been rollout ill say it again got your head out of the sand .............. Publunchman Unwired was in the top 5 companys for SmartCompany Awards a few years ago and received almost a $million from the govn
Broadband unplugged 26 Aug
The GSMA represents about 750 3G mobile phone operators around the world, so it’s not unbiased. Its director of technology, Dan Warren, said he believes mobile broadband will reach speeds of 100 megabits per second before fibre optic does – that is, in about two years.