I, for one, am NOT expecting an announcement tomorrow.
Time and time again I have seen this pattern of discussion re this darling stock (and I mean that quite affectionately, after all we've in a relationship now for decades...).
However, APG is one of those stocks where every "imminent deal" is discussed in detail BEFORE it is announced - of course in most cases the detailed discussion takes place AFTER it is announced (as it should), but not this baby - and then, over and over again we wait, and wait, and .... no deal comes.
So I would rather that the announcement of "deals" be left to the company for a change (yes, I know that that would make this a very boring company to discuss, because there would be so little to talk about), rather than the usual heralds trumpeting out "the news" making us all salivate again in true Pavlovian style.
F9, in particular, I'm OVER IT.
Mind you - nothing would make me happier than to see THE COMPANY make a real announcement of a REAL deal (aka "contract") that would confirm actual progress, or even (God Forbid) future INCOME, and future success for a technology that I have always admired - it would be a GOOD THING for APG tech to be used all over the place (and of course bring reward to the longest suffering shareholders on the ASX).
Meanwhile, I hope the usual suspects have made a good return from trading the cycle (and I have dabbled a little in that too, but I am too much a buy and hold, and hold and hold man) - good luck to you.
I won't be losing sleep on this tonight, but I would really love to be wrong....
Show Me The Cash!
Rant over - pass me another little pink pill please, Nurse (thank you)