Have posted before on the psychopathology of the type you refer to and have been rapidly moderated out.That will give us some clues.There are various subsets but a common factor is that they are spectators and then may just dabble so that they have an "in" if the stock does well and an "out" if it fails.Such an example is Eshum. Skol tries using "Blue Chip" mentality on speculative stocks.He came and went but continues to give his (wrong) views on gold.Maybe they just don't have any money to speculate with.
HC says put them on "Ignore" but be damned if I let some of these characters try running down a stock that I have invested in for their own ends.Although HC has limited influence,mud sticks.I keep watching as we do pick up useful insights and learn from those with more experience.This is where the system is abused, but despite HCs terms of use, we need to sift through SH##T to hit gold.
Like Eshum and Skol our current chap will slink off if BBX does well and become more and more active if we have a pull back.
I'm still waiting for a rational rebuff of Midnight's estimates.Suspect we'll be waiting a long time.
These chaps always garnish a few followers,even when publishing absolute muck.Just another aspect of human psychopathology.
Stocks like BBX will attract avid speculators,but by the same token will attract its fair share of Trolls.Its just part of the territory.