Fact is that BBX has no mineral resource as defined by the ASX rules for reporting resources and that is your estimate only. The company itself would not be allowed to produce and publish this estimate and in all probality IMO will never perfect an assay scheme, so will likely never be able to publish a mineral resource under the JORC code and hence to the ASX.
Another fact is that CMM have drilled their Bibra prospect to a drill density sufficient to define an ore reserve of 893koz and a mineral resource of 1.5Mozs and have published this on ASX and this resource is of sufficient interest to the gold mining industry that one of only a hand full of ASX gold miners who makes any money from mining gold has come sniffing around with a view to taking the company over.
As I said. Let me know when they are 3 months out from publishing a photo of their first gold bar from their pilot plant and I will buy a few for the ride. Would not want to miss out on that ride, if the crowd arrive.Esh