The title "Centrelink" is an Orwellian-like term used to conceal...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    The title "Centrelink" is an Orwellian-like term used to conceal the true intent of any parliamentary body. For instance, the Ministry of Truth was effectively the Ministry of Propaganda; Centrelink is actually the National Charity. Parliaments use this methodology, these subterfuges, in an attempt to control the thinking of the people; "to pull the wool over our eyes." 

    And so, the National Charity, to use the correct title, doesn't really distribute wealth, but rather, it re-distributes it. By force of arms, it plunders the earnings of the productive class of society and gives it to the non-productive class as a gratuitous income: Socialism through and through! 

    But of course, socialism eventually runs out of other people's money, as seems to be happening now. Dark clouds seem to be gathering.  
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