HER 0.00% 88.5¢ herald resources limited

her want a lab super p126 sat paper, page-10

  1. 8,616 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 87
    re: wayang-current indon attitudes funny how an incorrect original post (unintended of course) can get such a discussion going on a company that hasnt been posted on for a while :-)

    For the record, im patiently holding (A LOT). My patience has worn thin at times, but conversations with certain people, including reasonable responses to some of my 'tough' questions has provided a little comfort, and incentive to ride it out.

    Yeah Indonesia not the best place to have an 'imminent mine' project. Its currently copping a two prong attack frm both corruption/terrorism and earthquakes ...however, the fact is, HER has got a VERY high grade project with huge scope to increase reserves. For example, the BFS only focussed on Antam deposit, but the Lae Jahe deposit is almost just as big (and of the same ore so minimal capex required to bring that up to speed). Basuki Lode another likely economical deposit though that will require completely different infrastructure.

    Admittedly the price has dropped for negative reasons including continual delays in the BFS and when that was completeld, the BFS valuation coming significantly under what I, and many people, expected.

    So why do i still hold? As suggested, the resource potential around the area is huge. Also, i expect operational costs were overly conservative, and i also expect CAPEX will be lower than stated, despite the 'increase' announced last year.

    Personally, I do hope they go with the pipeline...since i expect Lae Jahe will become feasible, and also the antam deposit will get larger,,,which will justify imo the increased CAPEX requirement of the pipeline.

    However, I expect the end decision will be greatly influenced by the financiers, who might 'believe' the pipeline story, but are only willing to front up enough for the cheaper option.

    Its a wait and see for me.

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Currently unlisted public company.

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