CBD 0.00% 1.1¢ cbd energy limited

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  1. 1,752 Posts.
    Manufacturing the inverters is a smart move.
    There was a world wire shortage and there still probably is.

    So if you assemble your own - they are made under license, so there was no development cost and production could start relatively quickly - guarantees that CBD can quote new solar system projects and be sure that they can deliver and know the costs and availability of the components.

    If they complete their projects on time and on the budget, they are likely to get more orders rather than some Johnies come lately.

    I am not so sure about assembling solar panels. There does not seem to be shortage as far as I know and prices are going down. And labor costs are lower overseas, say China.

    Our Chinese partner is making them in China and our German partner and share holder is making them in Germany,
    Maybe the panels to be made here are to be the German ones made under license to be used in the CBD's premium product.
    Using locally made panels rather than imported in premium product could backfire.

    I recall that locally made famous German beer was a dead loss and Australian Moet champagne sells for much less than imported one.
    Mercedes made in Korea is not a Mercedes and so on.
    If I am buying premium system, I want to be sure it has premium components.

    Anyway, rest of the business goes bang ho I think. It could even became a takeover target for some of the big energy companies, given CBD generates the renewable energy certificates they need to meet government regulations,
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Currently unlisted public company.

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