-- Trump Warns Putin --, page-2

  1. 1,457 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    No No Dub you have it all wrong, Trump is a Putin puppet CNN told me. That's why he increased sanctions against a nuclear nation which itself is an act of war, raided embassies and destroying established diplomatic norms, trying to block Nord stream 2, get NATO to increase it budget and orientate its assets towards Russia, appoint more neocons and war hawks, built more US bases around Russia, scrapped the INF treaty, is militarising space, continues to fund Muslim extremists where energy sources or key transit points are located, colour revolutions and is expanding the military at a massive pace.

    Don't you get it Putin has all the sex tapes and levers to influence his geopolitical decisions. Can't you see that especially in the middle east he is Pro Russian. You have no idea how sane policy decisions are conducted by the same players irrespective of presidents that are all Russian puppets. Trump is just the biggest puppet of them all in pushing pro-Russian policies since the collapse of the USSR with even his own handlers from his family (The Trumpovners).

    Russia has the US invading more territory, stealing more resources, build up more bases, bigger and expanding military alliances and interfering with more nations as ever before for their puppet master Putin. Just charge it all to the Russian credit card and lobby groups who is able to influence all candidates and news cycles. Don't argue we have a fully functioning surveillance and police state to keep you aware of the Russian threat to the world.
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