Why is ABC running the PHON gun story?, page-24

  1. 816 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 67
    ABC (the Drum) has started to openly label PHON Australia's 'Racist Party", ellen fanning just last night used this term on several occasions.

    Is the ABC labelling the 600,000 who voted in 2016 for PHON 'racists'?

    Always noticed we hold opinions very much like a single standard deviation curve, most in the middle with ever decreasing numbers towards the extremities in the + & - , even in bias subsets. (PHON)

    People vote for PHON for a number of different reasons and they would cover more than one demographic.

    Must admit as a long term ABC supporter for > 30 years some trends within the last 2 are concerning,

    Labelling can work to your advantage in suppression of views different to yours, it can also 'push' numbers once comfortable inside one standard deviation to the extremities pretty quickly.
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