Scientists and ...!, page-1685

  1. 5,313 Posts.
    "So let's assume for just a moment that Kam was on the right tract and that Baha'u'llah is the returned Christ and this is the religion all previous religions had prophesied and been waiting for, .....

    Is there anywhere we can turn or is this as good as it gets and we just need to suck it up and be realistic, we are just talking monkeys after-all with delusions of grandeur?

    I've been very fortunate in life, so maybe I should just get on with wallowing in my good fortune and forget all this religious nonsense. "

    Well, let's not be too hasty .. I could be wrong !!

    Actually, sanity and a meaningful perspective requires recognition that there are different laws governing the possibilities for an individual and those for large groups of Humans. Nothing unknown or special about that and it has been mentioned here before.

    No different really than the life of an individual drop of water versus the inevitable course of the great river it is part of. An individual drop may be splashed onto the river bank, be ingested by a bird or land animal or be evaporated into the clouds to later return as part of a rain drop. The river however must run it's course determined by laws and forces that govern it's path over which it has no control.
    If you listen carefully you can always hear some of the "prophet water drops" proclaiming that there's a waterfall up ahead and it's time to turn back ... as if this means they alone can foretell the future !

    One could imagine an attentive, relatively conscious water drop would try to stay near the surface to increase it's chance of "escaping" the river. Even then it is not guaranteed and would require an element of good fortune.
    This aspect of an individual "fate" for a water drop is in a sense, independent from whatever course the river takes and how the drop fulfills it's place in the life of the river will naturally be greatly influenced by the primary task of escaping the river.
    It is not a question of one or the other or selfishness, as Nature requires a certain number of drops to leave the river to fulfill the various requirements mentioned above ... all part of the larger chain of life.

    That is of course only an analogy to show that there are different ways of discovering one's direction for life and different ways of carrying it out. All of them fulfill some aspect of Nature's purpose.

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