Christchurch Mosque Shooting, page-197

  1. 16,815 Posts.

    I think you are adjusting some images you say you saw to your own agenda.
    If you have ever been in hospital for a serious injury you have tubes coming from everywhere.
    I had them coming out of my chest, arms, mouth and they all had bandaid type things over them to keep them clean. Some of the tubes went straight into my heart from the other side of the chest.
    You really have no idea where the man was shot at all.

    The shooter was a terrorist and belonging to some seprmecist group as the video of him in the docks shows him making a hand sign of white supremecist. ISIS do a similar thing by making a sign with the finger. Both terrorists.

    You reckon its just theatre? I think you really need to rethink what you are alluding too.
    You really need to wait for the facts before calling it BS as you say you do.

    My deepest condolensces to all those affected by this horrific act of terrorism by a week minded indoctrinated Australian. I am embarrassed there are Australians capable of this type of thing. This is not what Australians do.
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