16,136 Posts.
Because there are that many people here that can't get the message the first time.
I only post on one stock, because (currently), I only have one stock,
but unlike so many here, I do post on other forums, not JUST the AUL forum.
You're another that needs to spend more time asking themselves what AUL
is doing, than concentrating on what I am.
The only negativity is in AULs info/anns, they haven't posted anything
truly positive as yet, so if discussing what AUL releases is "negative",,
ring them and get them to ann something positive.
Good starting point, with so much visible and abundant gold,
ask them how much gold is coming out at the end of daily milling?
I'll give you a hint, it will be nowhere near the 26 ozs per day needed.
Even allowing how AUL states recovery is only 75%,
(whoops, I'm being negative again, come on AUL, lift your game),
still need to see 20 ozs per day being retrieved from milling.
They, (AUL) aren't saying how much gold, wonder why?