Feminism ...does wonderful things to women..YUK, page-6

  1. 7,972 Posts.
    Yeah Marxist and Stalinist (all collectivists) belief systems really appeal greatly to magical and disordered thinkers and is the go-to ideology for those higher on the psychotic and delusional spectrum's than typical, there is no magic, nothing in society can create a persona better to form a tribe of like minded peers of pure self indulgence as easily ...interestingly as just one other form way back in the 1920s I think society had "Flappers"...females with the same personality problems (cognitive executive emotional disorders) and funny enough the disorders/behaviours was the same back then even if the expression and display of it is different today due to the engineered promotion of many different collectivist cultures and modern technology.

    Not their fault (although they do have the power to somewhat regulate when it suits them and only them ( to groom another individual for example)) stems from the 1st and 2nd trimester and is life long although calms slowly as age approaches (psychopathic burnout)....many compared to normal stay relatively with the deeper set overall affect of a child forever though.

    It's the reason Islamic law confines heavily the choice and free expression of female behaviour.

    There is nothing new.
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