Anti-semitism on the rise in Europe, page-18

  1. 4,537 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Regarding your phrase, "we Western cucks"...

    By using the alt-right term for cuckold, according to them you are identifying as a submissive white man who allows black men to sleep with his wife.

    That's up to you if that's how you see yourself, though I don't quite know why you would want to admit that. (But hey, your life.) When you label your fellow Australians "cucks' though, it's another matter. It's simply untrue.

    I have never heard someone use the term out loud in Australia, only by cowardly keyboard warriors on the internet. Why? Because the person who said it would be flattened in half a second. You might want to experiment with us "submissive" Aussie blokes by calling guys in your neighbourhood "cucks". See how long you stay out of hospital. 
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