It’s an old trick. Import a group of foreigners to do the things you want done but don’t want to be seen doing. So we see the social engineers of Germany turning once again to their friends from Palestine etc ( the Star to mark Jews for harm/death was gifted to the Nazis by the ‘grand’ mufti of Palestine ), to harass the Juden.
To the main thread? There have been mass attacks on all non muslim groups.
The Western elite are more than happy to see the world that we peasants live in ( we might live in the same country as the elite but if anyone thinks we live in the same world they are sorely mistaken ), burn to the ground & many of us harmed or even killed to achieve their idea of utopia.
The story of Rotherham should have changed everything but the very fact that it hasn’t become an international scandal prompting wide sweeping changes just shows how far gone the West is.
‘A White man sneezed near a non White person! It’s a shocking racist attack!’
‘100’s of British girls were racially targeted by muslim rape gangs overwhelmingly made up of people of non British descent? Shhhh! I’m too busy reading about this shocking sneeze attack, you bigot!’
We saw it here in Oz with the Bilal Skaf rape gang “get some Lebanese &@&$ in to you” said the Lebanese boys to the Aussie girls. That case should have had a race hate element to it as well as the sexual assault related charges.
The Rotherham cases should be getting seen as racially motivated hate crimes.
Every time someone yells out their stupid akbar garbage before attacking people should be charged as being ideologically or racially motivated.
If all non muslims are held to be racist just for talking about islam then it is high time we held them to that same high standard. Call someone kafir? Hate crime.
Say people should be harmed for talking honestly about a 10th century pedophile? Incitement to violence related charges.
We’ve let the most violent patriarchy in history to do almost whatever they want in the most egalitarian society in history.
Western women have turned Western men in to puppy dogs. Guess what all- most women don’t actually like weak things. They might say ‘ooh how cute’ & cuddle them for a moment but eventually the human brain seeks out strength.
Is it any wonder why it’s the ‘feminists’ etc who are pushing for the import of that violent patricarchy? Under the mohammedan wonenget told what to wear. They get told what to do. They get told where they are allowed to go & who they can go with. They don’t like that but guess what they do like? Feeling protected & that’s what that violent patriarchy offers.
Look at England- a majority muslim public school has just dropped homosexually oriented classes because the parents refused to let their kids attend. Where’s the calls of ‘anti LGBT+ bigots!’ ?
Nowhere. Why? Because the Far Left are horrible bigots.
Sweden is a great case study. The most feminine government in the West does want? Imports more violent patriarchal society members than almost any other Western nation.
Why? Because at a primal level the human brain seems out strength.
The Western cuckold virtue signallers? Sorry- they’re not what anyone finds attractive.
‘Sorry I was White- I’ll try to come back as brown/black next time!’ Should be written on the tombstone of every one of we Western cucks who just lets it slide & doesn’t speak up.