This Has to be in the Humour Thread, page-7

  1. 4,500 Posts.
    Rather unkind, waffie.

    Farrell died a true trooper while on a performance gig.
    Died at 61, on stage, whether for retirement super topup
    or just for the love of it.
    Nothing to be ashamed of this disco genre.
    Far more superior to today's screaching rap
    with a swearing smut as the de rigeur to be suffered.
    Ra-ra-Rasputin song words are a story told with good humour mixed into it.
    Many other performers did their entertainment to the last breath,
    Nelson Eddy et al comes to mind.
    And Johny Guitar Watson, Bobby's contemporary:

    Listen to WORDS.

    Most common cause; heart attack.
    That's why I am not a Performer.

    Vale Bobby; thanks for the Memories!

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