Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un cut short their nuclear summit, page-11

  1. 8,621 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 133
    You cannot negotiate with a sociopath tendency, they only respect their position of security and gain, any other emotional quality of their personality is chosen to influence for personal gain, or in it's later stages a paranoia of fear that others are planning against them "a manic stage of the personality type", he could very well suspect this of his sympathetic leader friends.

    Very dangerous individuals once in power, most people have dealt with this personality type, they are usually bosses or hold a commanding position. Most of my  relative's are all from this personality type, It has been a very eye opening experience growing up with them.

    One has to be careful not to turn into one, they are usually people who cannot take any advice and know everything and cannot admit to making any mistakes. It's always someone else's fault for their failure. Yet people find them very charismatic and strive to please them.

    They find it extremely hard to keep a close friend as their dominance starts to judge their closest and they will start to undermine or back stab people closest to them and say that someone else said that or did the actions that in fact they caused in the first place.

    Yet most are very intelligent, but are lonely in their heart of hearts. So beware.
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