Its Over, page-731

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    On the flip side, these below are the Opportunity stocks I have made mentioned in my previous posts here including the dates they were mentioned and the prices they were traded at the time. Most have done reasonably well and have the potential to do better moving forwards subject to general as-is market sentiment remaining intact. 4DS, BIT and ACW have all been touted as 'hero or zero' lottery stocks , CAT , SFC and YOW have been overlooked laggards , XRO, PME, CLV and MYE are well established and proven growth stocks.

    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
    0 OPPORTUNITY STOCKS Date stock mentioned in Its Over thread Open price on date stock mentioned Close on 22/2/19 Change%
    1 XRO [/B][XERO]   11/2/19   $ 46.200   $ 47.500 2.8%
    2 MYE [MASTERMYNE]   11/2/19   $ 0.840   $   0.960 14.3%
    3 CLV [CLOVER]   11/2/19   $ 1.525   $   1.785 17.0%
    4 SFC [SCHAEFFER]   12/2/19   $ 14.480   $ 14.100 -2.6%
    5 YOW [YOWIE]   19/2/19   $ 0.070   $   0.077 10.0%
    6 4DS [4DS]   20/2/19   $ 0.067   $   0.077 14.9%
    7 BIT [BIOTRON]   20/2/19   $ 0.090   $   0.073 -18.9%
    8 ACW [ACTINOGEN]   20/2/19   $ 0.054   $   0.056 3.7%
    9 CAT [CATAPULT]   21/2/19   $ 0.640   $   0.800 25.0%
    10 PME [PROMEDICUS]   21/2/19   $ 14.45   $   13.73 -5.0%
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