ACE Monday February 25, page-52

  1. 12,359 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 205
    A mad entry or just plain silly?

    A valid entry by sight, but not by the scanner as it is lower/higher than the tip entry parameter than I have allowed to be scanned.

    After last months tip from RNRC I changed the entry parameters from -1,200 to 1,200 (most points Dropped/Gained (+ a few to round to nearest 100 on both sides of the 0), according to WIKI and will update each time if a new record happens). In doing so, though I changed the entry conditions in my spreadsheet I had forgot to update the daily wrap up post entry conditions to reflect that change.

    The entry conditions which has been reflected in today's post will be show in all future daily wrap up posts.

    As Wazza shows, we can either have stats that show:

    There were 33 posters this session with a bullish average of +157.14. The Standard Deviation was 164.88
    27 tippers looked for a positive outcome, where as 5 tippers had a negative outlook. 1 believed the market would be flat.
    Tonight's tips ranged from 499.99 to -333.13, making it a total range of 833.12


    There were 34 posters this session with a bullish average of +26,192,809.59. The Standard Deviation was 150,465,332.84
    28 tippers looked for a positive outcome, where as 5 tippers had a negative outlook. 1 believed the market would be flat.
    Tonight's tips ranged from 890,550,340.21 to -333.13, making it a total range of 890,550,673.34

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