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Originally posted by triage:
"More poor news." please explain. Are you referring to the complexity of Ohio Creek? I think there is evidence of progress. 1. The mineralisation has been extended by 140m to 800m and remains open in all directions. I admit that their observation that "the potential for the presence of a significant high grade gold system is becoming apparent" reads like it was written by a lawyer not a geologist. However Ken Nillson's comment at the end of the main report is a bit less equivocal ""accordingly there is every reason to believe that Ohio Creek will become the site of a future mining operation". 2. sounds like the road to Ohio Creek will be operational in the next couple of weeks. 3. they expect to begin work on a satellite camp at Ohio Creek this month. 4. they expect to get use of a diamond drill rig this month. A couple of downers for the samboy fan club: looks like they will not start mining at Ohio Creek by the end of March, and the company has pretty much confirmed that Ohio Creek will not turn into a super pit, rather it will more likely consist of a series of smaller pits, much like at Hicks and Smarts. Perhaps though kojak is on the money that they will put a couple of truckloads a day of surface material through the processing plant fairly early on to improve their liquidity in the near term.
That is just what I said a while back. If they can get a road in and pick the eyes out of OC for some short term cash flow that may be just what the doctor ordered.