I think now the DRC's ( Mostly Peaceful )Democratic Elections have been run and won , foreign investment will explode into the DRC mining sector. Cobalt , Lithium , Gold , Copper, its endless !
Cobalt: CMOC increases stake in Tenke
China Molybdenum (CMOC) has agreed to increase its stake in Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM). For US$1.14Bn, CMOC will acquire BHR Newwood DRC, a holding company set up by Chinese private-equity firm BHR to buy a 24% stake in TFM in 2017. Subject to the deal’s completion, CMOC will have an 80% stake in TFM, with DRC state-owned enterprise Gécamines holding 20% https://roskill.com/news/cobalt-cmoc-increases-stake-in-tenke/#.XFCw8XiyLKF.twitter
Barrick-Randgold Merger Consummated
The merger has created a sector-leading gold company which owns five of the industry’s Top 10 Tier One gold assets1 (Cortez and Goldstrike in Nevada, USA (100%); Kibali in DRC (45%); Loulo-Gounkoto in Mali (80%); and Pueblo Viejo in Dominican Republic (60%)), and two with the potential to become Tier One gold assets (Goldrush/Fourmile (100%) and Turquoise Ridge (75%), both in the USA). https://www.barrick.com/news/news-d...ng-starts-in-new-companys-shares/default.aspx