Mines and mineral Act 42 would answer the LOI issue. The COA revoked Axiom's LOI which quashed the ministers decision when an appeal by SMM existed. It was a sad time in Axiom's history, BUT we have all moved on and wiser.
"In May 2018, Axiom had its Prospecting Licence applications approved by the Solomon Islands Government. The nextand final stage in the process is to obtain the relevant landowner agreements which are then to be submitted to theGovernment for approval. On approval of the agreements, the Company will be granted its Prospecting Licence(s)."
Unless we are all missing something, or completely misguided, how on God's earth did the MMERE come to this decision? It is obscure and after all the previous legal processes, how did they come to this decision? It will be unfortunate to see it hit the courts again, so let's hope someone can make sense of this matter very soon.
Price sensitive if it were conclusive and not without prejudice, so in my opinion Axiom are in no position to publish related issues to the LOI or PL. IMO it indicates that they are keen to sort this issue out, but this is not a partnership with the Solomon Islands, it is a partnership with Landowners. I think we all can work out why Axiom don't communicate "business matters", and it may have a lot to do with the back stabbing and disloyalty. Don't be fooled by the fast talking salesperson, and unless I am mistaken, SOME landowners were possibly misled by the wrong advisors. Plenty of charlatans, and certainly not from Axiom.
"I am truthful like RM" Now that may well be the case, so I do hope you also possess prudence and fortitude too(Along with all things good!)
Here's one personal opinion that suggests that Ryan Mount possesses temperance also, and good on him for maintaining what seems to be a tough road. I suspect we will be in the know as soon as the company feels it is necessary, but yes, let that be soon eh!
@geo_au, as a top 20 SH, all the very best to you and any others prepared to see the Solomon Islands succeed. GLTA