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Originally posted by MineIT
Hi Jock0 are you the new Vlad?
I’m not sure what meeting you were referring to ..was it the AGM in May or EGM last Friday? If you attended the EGM I think either you misunderstood the entire meeting presentation and Q&A session , created a story or giving your own version of a discussion with Yuval.Whatever your conversation with Yuval is heresay at best. There was an EGM last Friday which I attended. Please note several people have a recording of the meeting which was played back to a few people and the consensus is that there are no more experiments on the wafer solution they are done and settled on fine tuning the algorithm.They have already found a solution based on 3 choices and decided to run with the most cost effective and efficient option. They are waiting for the extra wafers to finalise and then demo in the clean room. We are here now and not in the past anymore therefore please make sure when presenting a post your not misrepresenting the facts.We have all waited far too long and seen too much to read a post such as yours without thinking you have some type of agenda. We are on the way to a tremendous outcome and story therefore please be honest.
Sorry, why are they waiting for extra wafers? Just to confirm the first lot weren't a fluke? So assuming the first lot wasn't a fluke, the only things to overcome are the algorithms and confirmation of the packaging process?
Is this right?