Hey Playez, the record is still endlessly spinning, but the stylus is worn and needs replacing.
II have a brilliant (IMO) idea. Why not look for fresh pastures and leave us to our misery. I could suggest some beautiful territory awaiting the input of your undoubted [whatever it is].
A company with, for many years now, a supposed disruptive or at least innovative tech, who have managed to so far stuff up everything they have touched. With a bit of research you could have an absolute ball as they are a another perfect sitting duck for your dog at a bone diligence.
How about locking horns with the ADOrites? A new challenge with plenty to get your teeth into. Surely you are getting a bit bored over here.
[Wouldn't suggest this if I thought there was a snowflakes chance in hell that you would oblige. It is just a tantalizing thought.]