I have personally slagged off this share for a while now as I have money on it and all I have done is watch it go south.
Todays announcement is something at least and with basically nothing in the last 12 months something is better than nothing.
I am more pissed at myself for buying the shares I have but to say i,m not happy with Kobi is an understatement due to the amount he pays himself and what shares he has given himself for nothing but anyone that has read what I have written probably has picked up on that.
The stock market is not Kobis private company and stopped being that the day he started selling shares and he of all people know that stock holders need clarity and thats even when there is none but even a simple regular statement saying what he and Ultracharge are doing with our money. would be something but when he takes our money and gives nothing in return or some pie in the sky annual meeting minutes that just dont cut it at all.
Today was a start now keep us in the loop and do it regularly or watch your own company sink