Did this calc a couple weeks ago, although couple of changes since!!.
Only counting income is only half the story:-
Ok, figures from quarterly:-
Bal 30/9/18 $ 370,000
+ Ching deal $5,000,000
+ Cash from Fura $3,290,000 (Assume full draw of amount this qtr)
Less quarterly outflows
Balance end quarter $7,113,000
Less Arena Payout say
Balance end qtr $4,513,000
Obviously the cash from Fura and Arena settlement may not happen by end quarter, however going into next quarter would need to add further Company outlays in anyway.
Regardless that is the type of money NXE have access to. Arena payout may be disputed, however some may argue it could be higher. Certainly the Company has stated they wanted the $2.8m in cash to sort out the Arena claim
So, at the end of the day the Company has ended up with prospective available funds of $4.5m with no further interest in Ruby assets and only 40% interest in Caula tenements.
Putting all the figures down is quite graphic.....................